A Horse, A Dog, And Various Cats.

This blog is dedicated to a Irish couple and their gorgeous dog, that we met a few days ago. They are moving to Daglan in the near future. Welcome.

A Horse, A Dog

Just by chance I was weeding the plant pots on our garden wall yesterday, when a gorgeous horse, rider and dog came around the corner. The horse was described as an old, gentle lady and her best friend the dog, who go everywhere together.


And Various Cats

We are often asked about our cats, how many now and how they are. All five are very well and enjoying the sunny, lazy days of summer.

The above picture is of Loki fast asleep in one of our vine pots.


This is Felu who spends much of the day wrapped around the other vine pot at the other side of our veranda.


Spot is our smallest cat, she is fully grown but only kitten size. This does not stop her from having the loudest voice of all of the cats.


Angel relaxing on top of my wardrobe who is twelve years old now and our own cat that we adopted from the RSPCA in England. The other four cats we have adopted in France. Well to be honest, they adopted Paul and I.

Unfortunately, we do not have a recent picture of Fluffy, who is Spots brother because when the weather is warm he does not come into the house or the courtyard but prefers to eat outside and then roam around the area.



Summer Party at Domme, musical entertainment and pyrotechnics. 17th June

European Archaeological days at the National Museum of Prehistory at Les Eyzies 17th and 18th June.

Music Festival in Sarlat 21st June

Rock Music at La Roque-Gageac 21st June



The Season Of Mist And Mellow Horses!

Since we moved to live in France we notice the seasons far more than we did in England. We used to live in a fairly large coastal town with little in the way of nature.

Here in Daglan nature is all around us and once again the seasonal changes in and around the village are magnificent. Autumn is here in full and colourful glory and with it come the mist’s of October mornings.

Taken from the graveyard overlooking Daglan as the mist rises to greet the sun over the forest.
Golden trees at the rear of the graveyard are just stunning.

These deep reds were photographed as Paul and I walked along the lane towards the river Ceou at the side of the Château.

The forest in all its glory.

I could not believe my eyes, crocuses in bloom!

I Just had to stop for a chat.

Or two. So gentle and relaxed, magnificent horses. Just what I needed to ease a stressful day.

The Château grounds as the sun slowly penetrates through the trees early yesterday morning.

Event:-Sarlat 21st October, Grande Brocante d’automne. Place de la Grande Rigaudie from eight in the morning.

Happy Birthday Michelle.

I am terrible at keeping secrets so I was very glad when the surprise Birthday present for our friend Michelle remained a secret until the last moment. Michelle was staying with Paul and I for a short holiday and arrived a few days ago. She did not know what was going to happen, only that she needed to wear trousers and flat shoes for the morning outing. “No Michelle not bungee jumping”.

Club Hippique was perfect with a friendly and welcoming trainer who has won so many medals for his (and his horses) abilities and expertise that it would take too long to list them all.

This particular horse, a Golden Palomino, was so friendly and so very gorgeous.


Mounted and ready for the tour.


The tour lasted about an hour with the trainer escorting Michelle all the way down to the river Dordogne and back.

Paul and I walked along with them to enjoy the stunning views of the country side so occasionally we needed to catch up.
“We need to be on a horse the next time we plan a tour Paul”.

Happy Birthday Michelle.

So cute, mom checking baby is right behind her. Only born three weeks ago to an Arabian stallion and mare.

We all had a wonderful time, thank you so much.



Visit the Daglan Expo Art plastique which is open every day until the 8th July.

Night Markets start in Sarlat 28th June to 30th August.

Saint-Cyprien Folk Festival 29th June. The event is celebrated each year in a different town in the Perigord, this year it is the turn of Saint-Cyprien. Singing, dancing, story tellers and a concert in the evening.


Spring in Daglan.

After the long Winter we are beginning to see the gorgeous colours of Spring. It seemed like an endless wait for Spring this year with the cold, snow, frost and rain but here it is at last. Not all of the Spring flowers are out yet but here is just a taster of the gorgeous colours that we have in Daglan at the moment.

A magnificent variety and display of tulips in a friends garden.

Do not know the correct name of the flowers but they are gorgeous.

Our own display, these only flower in the Spring Time. We have moved them from the front of our home to the courtyard at the rear were they get more light and they love it. So many flowers this year.

Paul sitting in our garden, I wish! This particular day it was 23C, the temperature has now reduced to about 14C with a lot of rain forecast for the next few weeks.

Canoe Slalom on the River Céou is all ready for people to enjoy.

Paul and I walked along the lane by the side of the River Céou in order to see the horses at the stables.

Gorgeous blossom in the lane by the side of the Château.

Out and About

Beynac is now open!

The main D703 road through Beynac has been closed to traffic for a few months while major construction work took place. I am so glad to say that it is now open with a new road and pedestrian walkway. Beynac is now ready for the Tour de France to pass through next month.

On our way to St Cyprian market this morning we bypassed Beynac on the other side of the river Dordogne.

Returning home we noticed the deviation signs were missing so decided to try the Beynac route.

Before our trip to the market we stopped for a breakfast picnic. There is nothing to beat fresh pastries from Maison Carré at Castelnaud-la-Chapelle enjoyed by the banks of the river Dordogne on a glorious sunny morning.

Still waters mirrored in the Dordogne river.

The water is so clean that you can watch the trout swim by.

And enjoy the terrific views. With canoes ready for the first customers.

I could not resist taking this picture of the two foals and their mothers sheltering from the sun.

– Bouzic night market is on Tuesday evenings in July and August
– St-Cyprian night market, throughout July and August on a Thursday evening,
– July and August for Saint Pompon night market on a Saturday evening.

Night markets are a great evening out where you buy hot or cold food and drinks from a variety of stall holders, sit at a handy table to enjoy the entertainment and later dance to your hearts content to live musicians or a DJ.