Angel’s Birthday.

Our adorable cat Angel has just turned twelve, so a celebration of reaching this age was given to her. Tuna for her breakfast and cat treats plus lots of photographs throughout the day. Angel loves to have her picture taken, it is why she is very pleased when the tourist season starts. She will sit outside our garden gate and pose for anyone with a camera.

Angel is the cat posing for the camera.

It is only about a year ago that she has started to let other cats come into the house without hissing etc. To go onto the bed was not allowed at all. So this is her first picture with Loki, partly visible at the top of the picture, Spot lying comfortably on my knee and Felu, fast asleep on the edge of he bed.


She can still show the other cats that she is able to climb onto my wardrobe.


This is her best friend Felu, we do not know why but she loves to have him near by. The comfort blanket that Angel is resting on was given to her when the RSPCA rescued her with five other cats when she was about one year old. It it a little worn now but I would not take it from her, she loves it.



Raising Mai

Monsieur Mayor and the Municipal Council
of DAGLAN are pleased to invite you
to the plantation
of the Communal May
Sunday, September 25, 2022
on the Esplanade des Fetes
from 12 a.m.

As you can see from the above invitation the commune was invited to a special event last Sunday, the plantation of a very special pole to commemorate the Marie. This should have been completed a few years ago but with Covid everything stopped. So this was the first opportunity for the celebration and for people to gather and take part in the planting of the pole and of course a great time to catch up with people that you may not have seen for a long time.

Preparing the pole with the customary shield, flags and rosettes. As you can see the men wore the customary flowers in their hair or around their necks.


Everything was prepared, ropes secured and a few men positioned on the roof to help to lift the pole into place.


Moving the pole into position. At every stage of the operation the crowed of people attending the event would cheer and clap.


La Marseillaise and various other traditional tunes were played while the pole was slowly raised up to the sky.


Slowly the pole was lifted into place.


Once in place our neighbour scampered up the ladders to retrieve the ropes.


Looking splendid, a big round of cheers was given to the committee for all of their hard work.

About a hundred people attended the ceremony which was a great success.

A buffet of delicious food and drinks followed and was enjoyed by all.

A great community event, well done.



Congratulations Daglan.

Daglan has been awarded the National Label at the digital level, which makes Daglan the only municipality in the Dordogne to have obtained the honour in 2022.

Eleven actions were taken to achieve this honour:-

3 Wifi points; Tourist Office, Presbytery and the Town Hall.
Website with newsletter.
Discovery trail with QR codes.
Heritage plates with QR codes.
Two school digital boards.
Replacement of school photocopiers.
Fourteen school notebooks.
Terra adventure.
Youth area.

Also, Daglan has obtained its third flower following the visit from the Villes et Villages Fleuris Jury. Which is also a rare achievement. Brilliant news and well done to all



Félicitations À Vous Deux.

A French wedding is certainly one of the delights of living in France and yesterday was truly special because it was the wedding of two of our neighbours who live in Daglan.

The preparations started early yesterday morning with the decorations for the church ceremony.

The Church of Saint Martin looked beautiful and very romantic.

You can just see each side of the church door on two little alcoves four porcelain pigs. These pigs sent a cascade of confetti over the doorway when the bride and groom exited the church.

Hanging from the arch over the church door, two gorgeous swans with a lace and flower border.

The bride and groom looking amazing.

A toast to the happy couple.

