Contrasting Weather.

After many months of drought when the water level has been extremely low in the rivers and water restrictions were in force we now have the opposite. With heavy rain for several weeks the rivers have swollen and are slowly encroaching onto the land.

This was how the river Dordogne at Castelnaud-la-Chapelle looked last August, where we observed people walking across the river bed to the small island by the bridge.


This photograph was taken yesterday, no island is visible but a few trees sticking out of the water.mark its location.


The tree line along the shore shows how much land has been flooded.


You can see how far the water level has risen, nearly up to the statue.


The latest weather prediction for the following week is colder with more rain but not as heavy.




Sarlat Film festival from the 7th to the 11th November.

Saint-Cyprien, Occitan Cultural Book Fair on the 26th November.

Sarlat Christmas Market from the 9th December.



Rain, Rain Is Coming Down.

Never have I been so pleased to see rain in all my life. After two months without a drop and temperatures reaching 39C, today’s downpour is brilliant.

Opening my shutters this morning to find out that it had rained during the night, the cool fresh air was amazing.


Then came the thunder storms which swept across the valley and back again. I am not complaining at all, I just hope that the ground can absorb the much needed downpour which should continue on and off until next Saturday.


The river Dordogne at Castlenaud a few days ago, showing the exposed land, the river was so shallow that people where not swimming but walking in the river..



Spring Festival Of Colour

Although the Daglan Spring Flower Festival has been cancelled this year there are signs of warmer weather to come. Indeed we have had gorgeous sunny days recently but this week it has turned very cold with temperatures as low has -2 first thing in the morning.

Friends of ours who live in Germany for half the year and the other half in Daglan asked Paul and I to take a few pictures of their gorgeous Spring flowers and blossom. They have had quite a long lock down in Germany which started last November and is only just easing a little.

Time to see green open spaces and plants bursting with colour.

I love how they have used the old flower pots in their vegetable garden.

Spring would not be Spring without the daffodils.

Different types of flowers make this window sill special.

We have started to plan our next planting of the flowers for the balcony, veranda and courtyard. It has been a long Winter but there are very good signs that we can get into the open air once more.

I could not miss out a recent picture of the river Ceou which was extremely fast flowing following the rains of January and February.

Happy Planting.

And Then It Rained!

This year has seen the greatest rain fall in the Daglan area for quite a few years. Last Monday morning as we drove through La Roque Gageac we where shocked to see the high water level of the River Dordogne which was over the banks of the river inundating the car parks and picnic area. It was so near to the shops that the owners were hurrying to retrieve their stock before it was ruined. Today I was told that the water level has reached the shops that line the main road and that in some places it is about waist high. Because of this the D703 at La Roque Gegeac is closed until further notice.

At Castlenaud this morning all of the picnic area is now under water.

The statue is on a high plinth which is being slowly being submerged under the river.

This picture gives an insight into the water level, as the island sinks below the waves.

The D53 road leading from Castelnaud to to Milandes is closed due to flooding.

Leaving Castlenaude over the bridge along the D57 is also impassible due to the flooding which is from right to left from the extremely flooded fields.

This picnic and barbecue area has been transformed into a lake.

One of the camp sites near Daglan that are under water.

There is, I am sorry to say, more rain forecast for the next few days. But on a positive note it can not rain forever, Spring will be here and the water will dissipate but up to then does anyone have a canoe!

For further information look at France Bleu.