Spring is in the air.

Spring is here,
in the air,
you can smell it coming
on the breeze.

It seems a little early but we have seen good signs that spring is just around the corner. It has been a strange February with below freezing temperatures when I get up in the mornings to feed the stray cats (have four now). However, during the course of the morning the temperature rises to 19 or 20C. So a thick sweater is wise in the morning and a light top in the afternoon. It is great getting outside to enjoy the scenery once more.

The first sign of Spring for us is always when the flower lady arrives back in Daglan for the Sunday market,


with her gorgeous array of colours.

Daffodowndilly by A.A Milne

She wore her yellow sun-bonnet,
She wore her greenest gown;
She turned to the south wind,
and curtsied up and down.
She turned to the sunlight and shook her yellow head,
and whispered to her neighbour:
“Winter is dead”.

Still quite deep and very fast flowing, the River Ceou so sparkling clean for wild life.


A gorgeous display of spring flowers in our neighbours garden.


Coccus, with their heads turned towards the sun


New for spring. Book selves have been placed into the old bus shelter. So that now we have two book exchanges. The other book swap is next to the Marie.


Events :
My favourite Festival in Sarlat will be held on 16th and 17th March.

Visit this marvelous event to watch and sample the Master Chocolatiers creations.


A Pomegranate Tree and ZZ Tops!

A rare combination I know, but wow, a pomegranate tree fruiting in The Place de la Liberte, I have never seen a pomegranate tree before. Yes, I really must get out more.

Looking truly delicious.

Sunday morning market in Daglan
Full of tempting delights. I can highly recommend the goats cheese.

Vide Grenier (empty attic)
I am still looking for a suitable box for my embroidery silks. The Vide Grenier in Daglan gave me a chance to continue my search, I did find one box but it was just too big, will keep on looking.

“Just need to tidy up then I am ready”.

This vendors magnificent beard reminded me of ZZ Tops. His stall displayed the most amazing coffee grinders and an antique Chinese vase.

We are very sorry that we could not attend the musical evening last night, hoping that everyone had a brilliant time.

The 8 à Huit Supermarket in Daglan will be closed from the 1st to the 8th October.

Fête Du Printemps in Daglan

I love this time of year “Spring is upon us”, it is still so cold but we were out this morning buying lots of gorgeous plants from the Daglan Fête Du Printemps. There was so much to choose from, with many stalls which filled the square in front of our home in the Place Du Liberty and continued all the way along the Rue de la Republique.

There were also local authors signing their books in Salon Du Livre in the Presbyter, a children’s area in the local Primary School and Poulet au Pot Farcie at the Salle Du Fête.

People were loading up their cars with plants this morning.

Paul buying a Muscat vine.

Fabrice Le Cafe, selling oysters with champagne or wine outside his restaurant this morning. Love the beard Fabrice, it suits you.

A selection of garden furniture and hand painted ornaments from Le Jardin de Rosa. Her shop is to be found at the back of the Château Beynac.

Our own château in Daglan village (I wish) with gorgeous fruit plants and shrubs at the front of the gate.

A gorgeous display of colour.

Two of our wonderful friends.

Saving the best till last, Daglan village proudly shows its two Fleuri, well done.

Peter Mayle

His memoirs took me on hour after hour of pleasure reading about his experiences in Provence, he will be greatly missed.

We have recently learned about the death of one of our favourite authors who died last month after a short illness. He was such a talented person who brought to life the “happenings” in Provence through his book “A Year in Provence”. His depiction of the various characters he came across was masterful and of course his renovation work on his 200 year old property was fascinating. By writing this book I am sure it inspired thousands of people to visit France and perhaps to move there permanently.

Peter Mayle, Image https://www.thetimes.co.uk/Peter Mayle – Image https://www.thetimes.co.uk

Sir Ridley Scott paid tribute to his friend saying,”he brilliantly captured the humorous competitiveness between the English and the French. Peter was a very kind and successful man”.

Sir Ridley Scott turned one of Peter Mayle’s books “A Good Year” into a movie starring Russell Crowe, which Paul and I still watch at least once a year.

Originally from Brighton, he moved to Menerbes in the Luberon hills in 1987 with his wife Jennie to escape the rat race in London. He met such characters while renovating the property that it inspired him to start to write a book in 1989, which has sold more than six million copies.

A thought from Peter Mayle, “Good manners make any man a pleasure to be with. Ask any women”.

Everything Truffle.

I wish that I could have a fragrance blog and then you would be able to experience the gorgeous aroma of the Truffle Festival as we walked from stall to stall in Sarlat last weekend. For anyone who has not had the experience it is a heady, earthy, dusty strong smell that permeates your scenes and it is so delicious.

Truffle sellers proudly sell their wears to the buyers. You not only buy a truffle but you get their history too.

From €800 to €950 per kilo depending on quality the truffles were selling at anything from ten to five hundred euros each.

There were stalls selling a wide variety of foods and snacks made with truffle such as pate, sausages, gourmand cakes, chocolate, macarons, desserts, cheeses, wine and oil. They also had related items such as books on how to find truffles or you could even buy your own oak tree.

I can not describe how delicious truffle macarons are, just amazing will have to do. Plus we have a truffle which is slightly bigger than last year, it is dessert spoon size. It is at this moment sitting in a dish of eggs in our pantry so that the taste permeates the egg shells for a delicious omelette which may be served with thinly sliced truffle on top. The truffle will then be placed into a jar of rice for a few days for truffle flavoured risotto or paella. Then the truffle will be cooked with a chicken at the weekend, or sliced on top of tagliatelle in a cream sauce. Superb.