The Chill of Winter.

This week has seen an increase in the chill factor in our area, with morning temperatures raging from -2c to -6c, and not improving much as the day progressed. It is so cold that it has frozen the water pump which connects to our well. Angel (our cat) is reluctant to venture outside and seems to spend much of her time sitting on top of a radiator or in front of the fire.

It is still a gorgeous place to live with each season bringing stunning vistas of the area which change as the months go by. Now we see frost covered fields peppered with bright red berries in the hedgerows.

The sun was just starting to show its face as we drove out of the village when we took this picture.

The following day I opened the shutters at 7:30 to find snow on the balcony and the streets below. Although it was a little warmer than the previous few days the water in the bottles was a block of ice.

Snow doesn’t usually last very long here in the Ceou valley, this picture was taken soon after eight thirty with the snow melting away. But we could see a sprinkling of snow on the roof tops for the rest of the day.

We wish you a Very Happy New Year.

Stay safe and healthy.

Another Week, Another Lock in.

It is very strange not seeing people, cars and normally at this time of year camper vans and tourists. Daglan is usually a bustling village but it now feels like you are living through a movie just waiting for the alien to come over the hill and walk through the deserted villages.

The supermarkets here are well stocked with fresh produce and other goods which is brilliant. On the down side we can no longer shop together and with Paul being the only driver it is inconvenient but unavoidable. Plus you can only buy produce from the nearest supermarket so Paul can only go as far as Cenac to shop at the small supermarket there. No large supermarket shopping for us which mean a limited choice of food to buy. But it is worth being more restricted if it means no virus in the village.

On a positive note we are still able to go for short walks of less than an hour duration and we must stay within a kilometer of home. A few days ago we walked down to the river Ceou which is only a few minutes away from our home.

Paul hiding his face from the camera… or waving!

With spring festivals cancelled and garden centres closed we cannot buy flowers to plant out but supermarkets have a plentiful supply of seeds so many homeowners are using them to bring in the spring.

Gorgeous Spring flowers in bloom.

Even in our shady courtyard there are flowers.

We have planted seeds in our hanging baskets and pots, we also planted potatoes in tubs yesterday which should be ready for eating in June and July.

No gardening or walks today, I hope you can see from this photograph that it is snowing and extremely cold outside.

Take care everyone and stay healthy.

Our First Snow Upon A Crisp Morn.

Snowflakes are one of Natures most fragile things,
but look at what they can do when they stick together.

I get far too excited when I see snow fluttering down from the sky. A remembered childhood vision of deep snow crunching underfoot, building snow men and throwing snow balls always springs to mind, the joys of snow.

Not how dangerous it can be underfoot when it is frozen or driving in a vehicle so let us stay with the positive side of our first and I hope, not our last snow this winter.

Sarlat looking gorgeous with a dusting of snow.

Minus three centigrade yesterday when this picture was taken.

Minus six this morning.

Looking down the hill towards the Restaurant de Rapier and and the Cathedral.

Also there was a light sprinkling of icing sugar on the roof tops in Daglan on an extremely cold morning.

More snow pictures to follow, I hope.

Take care and stay warm.