Art By Dominique ALLAËRT

Magnificent works of art by Dominique ALLAËRT are being exhibited at the Ancient Presbytery in Daglan for the next two weeks.

If you are in the area please feel free to call in and take a look.

All for sale at reasonable prices at ;-

L’Ancien Presbytère. Daglan, 24250
29 June au 13 July 2019
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 14:00 to 18:20
Thursday, Saturday Sunday 10:00 to 12:30 and 14:00 to 18:30


Chris update

Chris had a bit of a setback last week when she had a discharge from one of the wounds on her tummy.  The doctor ordered swabs to be taken.  Lab results showed that Chris had an abscess that had burst.  Luckily it drained out rather than staying in.

Chris jokes that if she was a cat she would be down to seven lives lives now.

She gets tired very quickly so takes a lot of rest but is determined to regain her strength.




About Chris

Unfortunately Chris has had to have a major operation last week. Following 10 days in hospital which included 7 days in intensive care she is now home and on the mend but it will take some time to recover and therefore is unable to blog for a while.


Salon La Mode Vintage.

It took meticulous planning, organisation and preparation over several weeks and months to create an outstanding event held in the village yesterday. Well done everyone involved and what a great success it was.

The money raised:- over 1000€ from entrance tickets totalling 520€, clothing sale 480€, and extra prosecco 22.50€. All of which will go to charity.

Preparation for the English afternoon tea. Sandwiches, gorgeous cakes, scones, muffins, buns, gâteau etc. were all made by the ladies of the Craft Session.

The music was delightful while everyone enjoyed their afternoon tea.

Bon Appétit.

For some of the ladies a welcome chance to sit and enjoy the fashion show.


Such glamour from all of the ladies who walked the full length of the Salle de Fête,

Sophistication, I love the outfit.

Jackie (who looked brilliant in this outfit) leading the models for one last walk before the fashion sale.

I could not resist buying a jacket that I had seen a few weeks earlier, plus jewellery and a blouse.

Thank you everyone for your support in attending this event.

Event:- Dominique Allaert.
At the Ancien Presbytere in Daglan from the 29th June to the 13th July.