Good News.

There is a possibility that there will be a gradual easing of the lock down in France from the 11th May. It’s not set in stone because it could change if there is an increase in people becoming ill and/or dying of the virus. But I am staying hopeful. We will of course need to remain careful, social distancing and the wearing of face masks would still be prudent.

The Marie De Daglan has placed a first order of 100 face masks from our hat maker (La Petite Minoche) in the village which will be distributed in due course. The Marie, his team and the commune have shown great support for the people of the community. Collecting shopping, medication and taking garbage for people over the age of seventy or who are having difficulty.

Stylish alternative face masks.


Other good news is that the town hall secretariat and the post office are now open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9 till 12. Also the hairdresser in the village reopens on the 11th May by appointment only.

The Boulangerie and the Supermarket have been brilliant throughout this lock down. Staying open with no cutting down of opening hours has been brilliant.

More good news, the restaurants in the village La Cantine and Le Petit Paris are open for take away food. Just phone and place an order.

And now… a few pictures which I hope will make you smile

A gorgeous canopy of wisteria.


Just one of the many blossoms on our apple tree. We only had a few apples last year but this year should be a good crop.


If flowers do not make you smile this picture of Angel will.

Cats are masters of relaxation.


You can follow the instructions to make your own masks.


Stay safe and healthy.

The Massive Clean Up.

or – What to do when you are in lock down.

I do not think that our home and garden have ever looked so tidy and clean. That is saying something from the person who has OCD and normally cleans for three or four hours each day. However with the threat of the virus descending upon us I felt that more cleaning and disinfecting was needed. I know, cabin fever can get people that way.

First step, everything removed from the kitchen cupboards, surfaces scrubbed and disinfected. The same treatment for the fridge and the tile floors steam cleaned.


In the mean time Paul first power washed the veranda, then the courtyard, the lane beside our house, then the pavement in front of our house and the Boulangerie. Constantly checking for passers by so he could give them plenty of room to pass.

Paul power washing the lane.


Next came the utility room. The floor definitely needed attention it had not been repainted for several years. The first problem was that DIY stores are not among the shops sanctioned to be open during the lock-down so the floor paint was ordered through Amazon. While waiting for the delivery Paul set to work cleaning and preparing the floor.

Before, scuffed and dingy looking.


He sectioned off the utility room from the office to paint them separately. This was a good plan due to our cat Angel who wants to investigate everything. Paw prints sounded good to me!

The paint arrived the office floor painted and the mandatory cardboard wall was erected to deter Angel. Then came the utility room.

A lot of work but it looks so good when completed.

After, The completed utility room floor looking so much better.


The French President has announced that the lock-down will remain in place until May 11th, following which will follow a gradual easing of the restrictions. So another month of lock, down is left to clean?

Stay safe and healthy everyone.