In The Pink

Daglan village is great at bringing people together to help support funding for Cancer Research. Every October is Pink month where the Commune decorate the trees, shops and homes of the village with lovely pink butterfly’s.

There is also a Marche Rose this Saturday of four or seven kilometres which is organised by the Daglan Gym Club. So put on your trainers and join the fun.

Details are to be found on the many posters around the village.


The trees look splendid with their pink butterfly’s.


Decorated tree and windows of the Marie.


So decorate, donate, and have fun on the walk.



Vide Grenier.

Vide Grenier means empty attic, the French equivalent of a garage sale, where people sell what they do not want any more, to the delight of others who are particularly looking for an item at a good price. This vide grenier was held at St Pompon this morning on a very cloudy and cold day. However, this did not deter people from attending.

Stalls were found along the main road and the side streets


St Pompon is great to walk around, with very interesting architecture so after browsing the stalls we sauntered through some of the streets

This is one of our favourites, you walk through the arch way and turn left towards the church.


A little angel placed into a stone niche of a building, just before you get to the church.



A Special Odyssée for Easter Monday.

During its journey on the Dordogne river, the barge “Elina” will stop at the Port of Domme on Monday April 10, 2023. On this occasion a full day of entertainment is planned on the banks of the Dordogne.

On the program:
– 11 am: 2 conferences on the theme “History of wines from the high country” and “Phyloxera and daily life” –
12:30 pm: Gourmet market for producers to eat
– 2 pm: Cavage demonstration
– 2: 30 pm: Enoising competition
– 3 pm: Ramp tournament
– 3:30 pm: Herding dog demonstration
– Other activities throughout the day: Domme wine tasting, production of strips and walnut oil, Easter treasure hunt, exhibition, local authors, etc. .
– Gourmet producers’ market for dinner
– 8:30 pm: Theatre play

On arrival of the gabariers, symbolic loading of a barrel of Domme wine. Songs and ball as well as a Gabarot aperitif.



Congratulations Daglan.

Daglan has been awarded the National Label at the digital level, which makes Daglan the only municipality in the Dordogne to have obtained the honour in 2022.

Eleven actions were taken to achieve this honour:-

3 Wifi points; Tourist Office, Presbytery and the Town Hall.
Website with newsletter.
Discovery trail with QR codes.
Heritage plates with QR codes.
Two school digital boards.
Replacement of school photocopiers.
Fourteen school notebooks.
Terra adventure.
Youth area.

Also, Daglan has obtained its third flower following the visit from the Villes et Villages Fleuris Jury. Which is also a rare achievement. Brilliant news and well done to all



Donkey Friendly Holiday.

What a gorgeous way to have a holiday with a donkey. You can just imagine a much slower pace of walking, stopping every now and again for a rest and to view the lush valleys, hilltop villages, the water glistening in the Summer sun while you picnic for may be an hour or two before continuing your walk.

It has been a long tradition in France to go on a walking holiday with a donkey by your side and you can hire a donkey for a day, a week or a month. Ending each day to a farm, a campsite, gite or hotel.

We have seen a few people taking a donkey holiday in the Daglan area

This donkey was spotted in Daglan village.

The owners of the donkeys will train you in how to look after the donkey. Organise your walk to suit your interests and suitability for the donkey, supply a map of the area and if you want even supply a picnic.

So friendly he was loving all of the attention.

This particular donkey was on a family holiday around the Daglan and the Ceou Valley area.



Summer In Our Village.

A few months ago when Paul and I where planting seed potatoes in pots in our courtyard I thought how good it was to live here. Spring was in the air, leaves and buds on our apple tree were starting to show themselves. The birds were singing as we walked to the the river Ceou about five minutes away. Spending our lives in a relatively small area without seeing our friends and family did not occur to me.

It all changed here due to the outbreak of Covid 19 just like England and other places around the world. One of the hardest changes was being isolated from family, friends and people in general. The French are very tactile and love to meet and greet people with a kiss on both cheeks and a hug, which we have adopted and love. Our food shopping habits had also changed, no self respecting French person would dream of buying fresh produce without looking, feeling and smelling the produce on offer. These are just a few of the simple pleasures that I have missed.

As the restrictions started to be lifted France was divide into different colour zones with the lifting of restrictions being delayed in orange zones. Perigord, being in the green zone made us very lucky indeed. Although we still had keep to social distancing guidelines, wearing of face masks and disinfecting everything in sight we were able to go outside to the newly re-opened Sunday market.

Now, my goodness we can talk to people (social distancing and masks of course) and it feels so good to just ask how they are, how have they been copying over the last few months etc.

This morning, just inside our gate, I discovered a present of lavender from our friends who recently arrived back at their Daglan home after several months in Germany. The perfume is gorgeous, thank you so much.

Daglan in bloom. Our new pink and white roses are next to our apple tree which looks like a good crop this year.

I love the courtyard of a friend of ours, it is always full of flowers of every description.

La Petit Paris is open for outside eating with the metre distancing restriction in place. So book early in order to insure a table.

Summer flowers adorn La Cantine, all ready to welcome you for lunchtime in the sunshine.

Bon appetit