Community Festive Spirit.

If I was living in the North West of England the erecting of the Christmas tree may temp a few people to look its way but nothing more. Here in Daglan it is a special event which draws the villagers to it. People stop their cars in the middle of the road to give comments and advice to the men from the Mairie working on the tree and pedestrians stop to chat when they are going to the Boulangerie or the Supermarket. Which of course brings about beaming smiles for the men from the Mairie.
“Decorations now please”. Well done the tree is looking splendid.

A superb tree with its sparkling lights, tells the children that there are only so many sleeps to Christmas and that they must be extra good.

If you have any pictures of your town or village lights or Christmas tree could you send one to me please, I love Christmas.

Christmas would not be Christmas in Daglan without Santa being stuck in the tree.

Festive fun outside and inside the supermarket. Free biscuits, cake and mulled wine were being given out to all of the shoppers last Sunday morning.

Unfortunately, due to ill health I could not have any of the delights on offer but there is always next year.

A festive sight, Corrine and Thierry will welcome you at their Boulangerie.

The winter truffle market is open on Sundays at 11:00 prompt. Paul was there at the gate ready to buy but the smaller truffles had been sold by the time he battled through the queue. Better luck next Sunday. Truffles with Paul’s turkey and my vegetarian meal for Christmas day sounds good to me.

Almost into the fountain after strong winds pushed the tree over. Not to worry, the men from the Mairie were there early and it is back in place once more, of course with comments and advice from passers by.

I wish you all a Happy Christmas and New Year.


Marche de Noel

This was the best Christmas market that I have ever been to in France. Well done to the ladies from the Club de l’Amitié Daglanaise craft sessions who have been organising and planning the event for the last few months and to all those who helped prepare the Salle des Fetes for a wonderful event. There has already been interest from people for a Christmas market for next year.

Step inside the wonderland.


Such an array of artisan products for sale, each stall was brimming with decorations, toys, ornaments and cards for Christmas. There was also, a raffle, tombola and guess the weight of the Christmas cake. We won a DVD on the tombola which I was very pleased with.

Mouth watering home made cakes were on display in the market café, they had nearly sold out by the end of the day.

“Tea, coffee, mulled wine anyone”.

The village school was also represented.

A Very festive selection of Christmas products.

I loved these unusual and creative meditating cats.

Who could resist a bit of bling from this collection.

Le grotte du père Noël

There was not only the Marche de Noel held in the village last weekend but being the start of the Perigord truffle season the first weekly black truffle market was held in the village school playground, which Paul and I will be visiting next Sunday to purchase our Christmas truffles.